About Us

In Case of Emergency “Break Glass!”

Welcome to the Owned By Vets About Us page or as I like to call it the “Break Glass” page. 

Why Owned By Vets?

Although having never served myself, I have two brothers who served as well as a few other family members. I was named for an Uncle who was in the Navy during the Korean War. Add in some classmates and close friends who served.

Growing up in Upstate New York, I have always been in awe of those who are willing to lay down their lives to protect the freedoms that most of us seem to take for granted on a daily basis living in the United States of America.

 I Will Always Stand, Because He Had to Crawl That Day

A simple motto I live by whenever the discussion turns to kneeling during the National Anthem because one of the greatest honors, I’ve had in my life was sharing a few drinks with my friend (who is a retired Army Sniper) and his father before his father passed away at a grand old age, you can read his story on my blog here Why I Stand For the National Anthem, (Remembering June 6th, 1944). And during these few times spent with him I realized that the least I could do is stand for a few minutes during the anthem out of respect for him because on June 6th, 1944 he was crawling across a beach with his face buried in the sand.

Why a Website and Network

Thinking about what I could do to give back and show my appreciation, I have been an internet marketer for over 12 years and hopefully I have learned a thing a two about how the world of the internet works. So if I can take some of what I’ve learned about internet marketing, SEO , networking and social media and put it to use to help out some Veteran business owners just a little then I’ll feel like I am giving back.

The idea for a website and network has been bouncing around for awhile, but since I started working with some Veteran owned businesses I found that it is difficult for them to promote certain items through traditional means that even seem to be remotely connected to the Military or firearms (even if they aren’t actually firearms). So if we can create a network of like-minded individuals to support each other and help just a little bit then why not. I know it’s not the first network that has been set up or if it will turn out to be the best,  but if I can help a few people reach a few other people its the least I can do.

Internet Marketing Tips

Hopefully by sharing some of the free or low-cost internet marketing tips I’ve picked up for other clients over the years through the blog posts, you’ll find some cost saving measures that have tripped up other internet businesses as they just started out.

Disclaimer Section

This is still my Blog and I am not a non-profit yet nor is it run by “Bots” so the website is still a work-in progress. While Veteran owned businesses are invited to join the network for free and will not be charged to network with others through the social media, since OwnedByVets.com is still a work-in-progress, I may shamelessly promote a friends business more often than others. I also reserve the right on what gets posted to the blog itself and you might notice an Affiliate link from a Veteran owned business on occasion to try and off-set some costs.

One thing I have learned over the years in internet marketing is you don’t just build a website and walk-away. Your website is like the foundation of your building, it needs to be solid, but it is only the start and it will be an on-going work in progress.

Internet Marketing Services 

If you have gotten this far then maybe you are ready to Break the Glass, As an internet marketer it is an occupational hazard for me to look over someone’s website and see what is right or wrong about it. I’ve made a promise to myself (fingers crossed) that I will keep my critical eyes to myself unless I am asked. I don’t claim to be the best in the internet marketing business or know all the answers, but if you are looking for a fair and objective evaluation of your current internet marketing efforts, looking for some tips on a certain subject or wondering if a service you heard about is “too good to be true” you can always Contact Me and I would be happy to chat with you.

Thank You for Your Service!!